Cargo of Clouds

The key was in the door.
1 0
The key was in the latch.
1 1
The key was in the lock.
1 0 0
The key was in the pocket.
1 0 1
The key was in the file.
1 1 0
The key was in the words.
1 1 1
She memorized it and put it in the box.
Boxes are homes for vulnerability.
lung bags heart pumps gut bugs
muscle meat bone beams nerve fibers
blood juice kidney beans eye balls
nose drugs ear wax nails nails
nails nails nails nails
hairy ropes
in the box.
26 items is 1 1 0 1 0.
1 0 0 0
The data was routed.
1 0 0 1
The data was entered.
1 0 1 0
The data was processed.
1 0 1 1
The data was stored.
1 1 0 0
The data was secured.
1 1 0 1
The data was redundant.
1 1 1 0
The data was put in the cloud.
Clouds are dormitories
for the wisdom of stuff.
air systems particle storage
vapor apps rain servers
fog networks haze structures
steam switches dust routers
moisture safe liquid drivers
frozen sources cool cool
cool cool cool cool
crystal computers
in the cloud.
26 plus another 26 items
is 1 1 0 1 0 0.

1 1 1 1
The code was carried to Venlo.
1 0 0 0 0
The code was shipped to Malaga.
1 0 0 0 1
The code was flown from Lima.
1 0 0 1 0
The code was tagged in Bangkok.
1 0 0 1 1
The code was traced from Auckland.
1 0 1 0 0
The code was passed in Bogota.
1 0 1 0 1
The code went
from her brain through her body
and back again and again and again
and again and again and again.
Codes are the lyrics of infinity.
container veins barge fiber train valves
boat arteries truck cells plane nerves
ship tissue bus neurons car blood
bike cells transport axons truck truck
truck truck truck truck
pipeline signals
Are the code.
52 items plus an additional 26 items
is 1 0 0 1 1 1 0.