
I spent four days absorbing, discovering and adding my two cents at the annual Kyma Symposium, this time located in Oslo. The theme was Augmented Reality. We witnessed a plethora of lectures, demos and concerts where our realities were offered diverse augmentations.

Highlights were hearing Carla Scaletti and Kurt Hebel’s updates and new inventions for the Kyma System, seeing/hearing some new sounds from the NeverEngineLabs and performing Postcards, a collaborative work with Craig Vear. Plus all those other pieces of wisdom and music that flew by.

Postcards KISS2017
With Paul Turowski and Simon Hutchinson playing Purality Spring
David Dramm in awe of NeverEngineLabs
The KISS2017 Organizers and masterminds Jøran Rudi, Carla Scaletti, Ulf Holbrook, Anders Tveit
Carla Scaletti and Kiyoung Lee
