Civitella Ranieri

Civitella Ranieri is a place, a castle, an artist residency, a paradise. I spent most of August and part of September as a fellow there working on studies for a larger collaborative work called Air.

My ritual was:
Drink a cup of tea.
Go for a run.
Practice the flute.
Find a location to gather weather data.
Dine with the other fellows and staff at Civitella Ranieri.

On Tuesdays we took guided field trips to see Renaissance Frescoes in Monterchi, Sansepolcro, Arezzo, Assisi, Perugia.

I worked on using data from my runs and from the weather to guide the structures in studies I made for Air. I spent many fruitful hours with CSV sheets, Excel sheets, TXT files, Max, Kyma and my imagination.

The first Study is called Avocado and I had the opportunity to talk about it and perform it for the Civitella Ranieri community as part of my residency.

Granaio living / workspace Civitella Ranieri
Weather station Civitella Ranieri
Map My Run Data